User:Algrim Whitefang

From WH40K Homebrew Wiki

I LIVE IN Fenris - The Aett
I WAS BORN ON September 16
MY OCCUPATION IS Serving the will of the Allfather!
I AM A humble adept of the Emperor

Algrim Whitefang
Warhammer 40K Homebrew Wiki Senior Administrator

"Ave Imperator! Øjor Va Russ! Leman Russ!"
— Space Wolves Battle-Cry
IG Medal Rack 2.png

Greetings and well met! I'm Algrim Whitefang, I am your humble Senior Administrator here on the WH40K Homebrew Wiki. I am also the senior Associate Administrator and avid contributor. In the real-world I am a former U.S. Army soldier, Iraq War combat veteran and Purple Heart recipient. I've been a long time fan and player of everything WH40K since days of yore (Rogue Trader Era, circa 1989). I'm also the twin brother of Achilles Prime (aka Jake).


My Articles

Favorite Renegade Space Marine Chapters

My Sandbox (Where the magic happens)

Space Wolf & Ultramarine.jpg

Favorite Quotes
"The Sons of Fenris they are, hardened in the forge of their harsh world, eager for battle and honor. They are the grey warriors, ashen like the wolf, whose greatest joy is to hear the clamor of steel amidst the din of war."
— Taken from the Space Wolves Catechism

In Memoriam - Alan Bligh (May 26, 2017) May the light of the Emperor, ever shine upon you.